Updated!! Pictures of me and some friends

I hope they don't scare you away!!! :o)

Well,you came here,so you must be really bored! :o)
This is Valentine's Day '00...

This is kind of a new one. It was taken sometime in July '99.Watch out for the download time!!

Aren't I just too adorable? hehe Yeah,right! :o)

This was made on December 31st,1998,so I look a little different now. My hair and bangs are longer...and some other stuff has changed. I'll be putting some new ones on soon.Not just of me,but more of my friends,too! :o)

This is me and my wonderful boyfriend Matt. =o) We've been dating for over a year now...we are soul mates. (He hates this picture! hehehe)

See my new class ring? hehe This is basically how I look now, with short hair and glasses. I switch out the glasses with contacts occasionally, but I like my "college" style now. hehe =o)

More soon!!!!! =o)

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