Welcome to my Spirit Page!!!

Welcome to my spirit page! I was fighting on the Dunicorn team at the site fights from the beginning of August,until September 10th! I'm planning on fighting again soon,so keep checking back to see when! *S* This is my spirit page which has my memories of my fighting,gifts,etc.

I made it all the way to The Chase! Thanx to everyone who supported me! ~*Huggiez*~

GREAT NEWS!! I am now officially a Wee One! I am on the Dneverland team!!! But I'm still gonna fight for the Duni's! *S* Check out my Wee One and DNeverland page here!

I'm very excited because for August 14th,I got the "Cheer of the Day" award!

There is always a longing inside
To escape to a magical place
The Site fights is that one way ticket
That puts a smile on everyone's face

You get on the rollercoaster of excitement and magic
Never knowing where you will end
I ended up in the land of the Unicorns
And have already made new friends

So let's have laughs and let's have cheer!
Let's all compete,but still have fun
'Cause there's never a loser who enters the Site Fights
We shall ALL win....everyone!

And on September 4th I got best cheer again! You can read that one on my cheers page =o)

Read my other cheers here!!

Thank you Wee One Sunshine for my custom doll! ~*Hugz*~ There is a very special reason that I love this doll....but it's a looong story! hehe

I adopted this beautiful gemstone unicorn on the 9th of August. you can adopt one too by clicking on its certificate!

~Proud to be a DUnicorn!~

My charms! (cheer,mini team)

Send a Spirit Flower!

Thank you Eyaden for my 1st Spirit flower!!

The Site Fights Spirit Flowers
Send a Spirit Flower!

Thank you Lainey for this beautiful flower!

Sparkleshas sent me a Friendship Bracelet From the Wee One Friendship Bracelet

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GOOOO UNICORNS!!! We got the spirit!!!

This is from my buddy,Bonnie! ~*Huggiez*~ (see above)

How can you resist adopting these adorable cartoon dolls?! Get your own here

From left to right:
Alicia Catrina Selena Sandra Suzy

I'm learning how to make my own,so keep checking back for MY dolls! *S*

My Gifts!!

The Site Fights Egg

The Site Fights Egg

Thank you D'RainbowMoon!

Thank you,D'shy Fairy for sharing the spirit!

Thanx D'Madd Rabbit for reading my cheers! *S*

Click HERE to go to my Vote Exchanging page!

I have spirit,yes I do! I have spirit,how bout you?? If you do,then sign my guest/spirit book and show it! =o)

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